Balance finding me

Some rather amazing things have been happening in my non work life and I'm beginning to feel that balance may be finding me. Not that I'm managing it very well, but nevertheless I am making progress.
First up, I was honoured to be collaborating here. This post was shared as part of the Weekends Collected. Thank you Leonie, Ive never written with the intention of being shared before. I was nervous but it was me and that after all is all we have and all we can give. I went a little into internet shut down. Rather than running with it and creating more, I ran and hid, made excuses and hunkered down into serious coffee drinking and reading. Forgive me. 
Next up, a total bolt from the blue. A random phone call at 4pm on Tuesday tells me I have won second place in the Auckland Photo Day Competition, which is part of the Auckland Festival of Photography. Stoked does not even come close. Super excited, pleased as punch and totally blown away. Yep, the prize is cool, but wow, second place in a competion. 

Wow indeed. 
Now…any top tips for using a Nikon. 

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